Note: Revisions and additions have been made to this post. Sorry for earlier errors and omissions. —Freckles

The Head-On Radio Network has added a new talk show host:
Jeff Alan Wolf

His show, which he describes as “unfiltered, unspun, a little unhinged, but with a whole lot of common sense”, can be heard on weekday mornings from 11AM-2PM Eastern time. It also replays in the evenings at 9 ET and again every weekend. Jeff has only been doing political talk radio for 6 months, but had several entertainment shows on terrestrial radio airwaves for 16 years. Jeff Alan Wolf From his Arizona studio, he talks about national politics and current events from a progressive viewpoint. Jeff considers himself both a progressive and a liberal, and he has been a democrat ever since he was old enough to vote. Jeff joined the head-on radio network where he was already friends with Bob Kincaid. Since then he has met Guy James, Mark Levine and Jon Fox on the phone.

In addition to radio, Jeff has also worked as an actor (including a small part in Sean Penn’s first movie), a store manager, a magazine editor and a writer. He is still a professional photographer, and also likes to watch sports and loves to spend time with his girlfriend, who is also his news producer, the wonderful Natacha. They collect books, and they like exploring their new State of Arizona and cooking gourmet meals together. Even though he lived in Florida most of his life (except 3 years in Brooklyn, NY when he was a baby and the last year and a half in Arizona), Jeff mostly likes sports teams from places he didn’t live: Indianapolis, Los Angeles and Dallas.

He also likes listening to other hosts from the head-on radio network, and also other liberal and progressive hosts on other networks, but the new show is keeping him busy up to 15 hours a day. Part of that 15 hours is spent reading emails sent to , preparing the show, and marketing the show. He can occasionally be found in the HORN chat room. But all that doesn’t keep him from watching Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert whenever they are on TV.


Click on these links to learn more about Jeff Alan Wolf.

The Jeff Alan Wolf Show webpage

HORN webpage

HORN chat room

24 hour show comment line: 206-350-3919

Email Jeff:


The head-on radio network can also be heard on itunes radio.